The Santa Fe Scene is a video production team working with the City’s Economic Development Division whose mission is to highlight the movers and shakers in Santa Fe’s economy, and
Santa Fe Scene Features Simtable

The Santa Fe Scene is a video production team working with the City’s Economic Development Division whose mission is to highlight the movers and shakers in Santa Fe’s economy, and
Orange County fire officials show off a digital sandbox that lets firefighters recreate hills and valleys, giving them the ability to strategize in real time. NBC4 News at 5p.m. on
Continue ReadingOrange County fire officials say the SimTable is a valuable aid
Battalion Chief Brian Norton introduces OCFA’s recent acquisition of a SimTable. (Time 5:30 to 8:55)
The Simtable Evacuation Module creates agent-based models of your local populations. Each household on the map can display multiple vehicles, probability of occupancy and number of residents. Demographics can also