The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry takes installation of a Simtable in Augusta, Maine.
SimTable on 9 News Denver

COLORADO SPRINGS– Firefighters are using a new tool that resembles a sandbox like children play in to learn more about what a fire can do and where it can go.
SimTable on FOX 10 News in Phoenix

SimTable was featured on the FOX 10 morning show in Phoenix, Monday, June 13, 2011, demonstrating SimTable’s modeling of the Arizona Wallow fire.
SimTable Trains Firefighters at Colorado Wildfire Summer Academy

Colorado Firefighters received their certificates for the S-215, 234 & 336 classes after conducting training with SimTable at the Colorado Wildland Fire & Incident Management Academy.
SimTable Models Arizona Wallow Fire on KOB 4
SimTable was asked by both the firefighting industry and news media to create a map and model of the Arizona Wallow fire. Link to the Story and Video.
IAFC’s Wildland Urban Interface Conference 2011/12/13 – Reno, NV
Simtable appeared at the International Fire Chiefs Association (IAFC) Wildland Urban Interface Conference in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 in Reno, Nevada.
New England Forest Fire Protection Compace 2010 – Portland, ME
Simtable appeared at the New England Forest Fire Protection Compact 2010 in Portland, Maine.
Idaho Wildland Conference 2010 – Boise, ID
Simtable appeared at the Idaho Wildland Conference 2010 in Boise, Idaho.
Anchor Point Group, Fire Management Consultants

The group will help facilitate incident management training exercises for the regional team in Boulder this year.
Continue ReadingAnchor Point Group, Fire Management Consultants
NM Business Weekly – SimTable, SW Bio Fuels Win LANL Funds
The simulation shows where a fire is most likely to spread and where traffic will backlog during an evacuation.
Continue ReadingNM Business Weekly – SimTable, SW Bio Fuels Win LANL Funds