The Visualization Center at San Diego State University (SDSU) is currently working with Simtable developing innovations in simulating emergency management. Article New Tech Could Do Wonders for Wildfire Control by Justin Freiler.
The San Diego Tribune covers Simtable’s partnership with SDSU VizCenter
The San Diego Tribune covers Simtable’s partnership with Eric Frost’s SDSU VizCenter for interactive sandtables for wildfire and emergency management.
Pikes Peak Courier covers Simtable training for Northeast Teller County Fire Protection District
“Simtable tells what-if?” by Pat Hill for the Pikes Peak Courier. It looks like a large board game. Players move according to the colors on a surface of crushed walnut shells
Simtable presents research with Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) in Boise, Idaho
Simtable and LANL will present their recent collaborative research on spread behaviors of historical wildfires at the 13th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit and 4th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire: Managing Fire,
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Simtable exhibiting at Wildland Urban Interface WUI 2015 in Reno, NV
Simtable attends the annual WUI Conference in Reno, NV where representatives from all parts of the wildland community including firefighters, federal and state-agency personnel, land-use community planners and many others connect,
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Simtable presents at the Powerhouse Science Center in Durango, CO
Simtable presents at Powerhouse Science Center’s Pub Science evening in Durango, Colorado, showcasing models of avalanche pattern simulations and changing local watersheds.
Simtable Mentors CyberSecurity Plugfest Competitors at AFCEA West in San Diego, CA
The Simtable was used to brief attendees at AFCEA West 2015 during Plugfest, where three teams competed in a “Plugfest” to rapidly integrate simulations and geospatial tools into an
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LANL Prepares for Fire Season

LANL, Los Alamos, NM – Fire readiness activities include training with the latest in simulation technology, the Simtable, and a year-round program of fire fuel mitigation. We can start a
Simtable presenting at the Future of Virtual Reality Conference at UCSD in San Diego
The conference brings together industry and academia to discuss where virtual reality technology and content is headed in the next few years. Sessions will be held on display hardware, panoramic
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Simtable participates in Navajo Nation’s Assayii Lake Fire After Action Review
Simtable participated in the After Action Review (AAR) for the 2014 Assayii Lake Fire on the Navajo Nation – a team discussion incorporating operational and technical information allowing assessment and
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