Simtable is committed to helping the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians, i.e. STEM, in developing strong computational skills. Simtable holds workshops and mentors students in using and writing their own agent-based models, encouraging students to approach their academic disciplines through the lens of computation.
Current deployments of Simtable are helping students look at watershed models, erosion models, forest restoration after wildfire, wildlife corridors and tracking, smart city, traffic, and social migration models.
Simtables in high schools and universities are helping students in understanding geospatial concepts and allowing students to tangibly interact with computational models in academic disciplines including:
- Biology
- Forest Science
- Ecology
- Geography
- Economics
- Physics
- Engineering
Purchases for academic institutions are available with an educational discount.
Students at the University of Tennessee learning about model transportation systems and natural hazards in their GIS Lab.
For more detailed information fill out our Contact Form or email us at info@simtable.com